
Doug Millison millison at
Mon Jul 31 17:34:28 CDT 2000

I'm not sure where it comes from -- probably the U.S. Navy during 
WWII, where he learned most of his slang -- but my old Daddy, when 
frustrated, is wont to exclaim, "Shit-house mouse! That's enough to 
piss off the Pope!"

I guess you had to be there.  Dissing the Pope in this context would 
not be altogether gratuitous.  My dear departed Grandma belonged to a 
small-town Kansas church that my old Daddy, with his lightest touch, 
describes as "hard-shell, foot-washing Baptist" and which counted 
among its members, the sum total of all the people on Earth that, my 
Grandma knew, were absolutely assured of going to Heaven, although 
when pressed, about one or two of them she was not altogether certain.

The German conversation reported earlier reminds me of a passage in 
Journee au bout de la nuit that takes place in a mens bathroom 
underground in NYC; beyond its service in the name of literature, 
just the idea of a French guy going off on the subject of American 
bathrooms still makes me laugh.


d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>

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