Harry Potter

Timothy Strzechowski dedalus204 at mediaone.net
Tue Jul 4 09:53:59 CDT 2000

But what's lost in this all this noise is the fact that, when all is
said and done, Harry Potter is boring  . . .

(and all the drivel that follows in Peter's post)

Well, gee willikers, maybe the Harry Potter novels function at a level
that is important for their intended age group!  Yes, they don't offer
the characterization of Poldy Bloom, but they DO address basic conflicts
and problems in the life of a typical pre-adolescent (e.g. peer
pressure, self-esteem issues, peer relationships, student / teacher
conflicts, parent / child conflicts, etc.).  Besides, "boring" is
relative.  Some of us find them pleasantly light reading after we've
finished tackling behemoths of, say, the scope of GRGR or MDMD or UU or
BHBH or any other such undertaking.

When all is said and done, the books are leading kids to READ (and not
go on shooting sprees), which negates simplicity of plot and character
any day!

Tim S.

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