no urinating in you-too-pee-ah... (was Are They?)

Muchasmasgracias at Muchasmasgracias at
Wed Jul 12 19:46:07 CDT 2000

jbor at writes:

<< Not to shout you down or make you cry or anything, not intentionally 
 but you're fucking up big time. The "We R They" formulation was Mike
 Weaver's inaccurate paraphrase of what I'd written:
    "They" isn't a personal pronoun in *GR* at all: it signifies systems and
    institutions in which *we* are implicated, which *we* accept and
    perpetuate. *"They"* 'r' Us. >>

Seeing as how I was responding to the "We R They" thing they way it was put 
by Mike Weaver, I don't feel too bad about it.  Even if it was a paraphrase 
of somebody else, whoever paraphrases is responsible for the words they use.  
These p-list strings go on for weeks and you shouldn't be so shocked when 
people don't know the blow-by-blow scenarios.  Not that I didn't goof, I did, 
but it was hardly "big time".  The way I see it, as long as I'm addressing 
somebody's words I am addressing them whether or not I use correct names.  
(Got some nominalist issues to settle, do ya?)  You're acting like a parent 
who teaches the kiddies by yelling at them.

There is a lot of interesting stuff in the rest of your post, and hopefully I 
can respond to it later when I have read it more carefully, but as for what 
you've written above (the ancestor of the comment on Reagan which I already 
addressed), how is "They" not a personal pronoun if it is meant to signify 
things "we" are involved in?  It seems more like you're saying that "They" is 
a personal pronoun every time it's used in GR, at least when it has the 
dreaded capital T.  So I don't know how to draw sense out of what you're 
saying without understanding that.

"You Fool!  Can't you see!
We are they, and they are we!
Pee anyplace, and you'll pee on me!"

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