The Intuitionist

FrodeauxB at FrodeauxB at
Wed Nov 1 17:36:07 CST 2000

Well, (as Ronnie used to say) here I am finally (at least temporarily) 
catching up with the list. I noticed a reference to a Pynchon 
blurb/comment/extract of a review on the jacket/cover/faux front of The 
Intuitionist. Having read it some time ago (not to be bragging, of course), I 
found it to be interesting (not that any of you would necessarily) and an 
easy or at least quick read. What drew my attention/money to it was a tag 
line/brief description of it as Pynchonesque. Well, maybe, but then I am no 
litcrit, am I? At least not by training/profession/experience(of course, I do 
, I think, know what I like, but I might not like this 100%, you see). 
Whoa! Thought I was Dave Monroe for a minute, but you all know Dave Monroe, 
and I'm no Dave Monroe...much less Thomas R. Pynchon. Here's what is on the 

This splendid novel reads as though a stray line in Pynchon or Millhauser had 
been meticulously unfolded to reveal an entire world, one of spooky, stylish 
alternate-Americana, as rich and haunted as our own. The care and confidence 
of the prose, the visionary metaphor beating like a heart at the center-these 
do not outweigh the poignance and humor, the human presence here. The 
Intuitionist rises someplace new, and very special.--Jonathan Lethem
As the Emperor said in Amadeus, "There you have it."


PS Imitation is the sincerest for of flattery-yeah, you bet.

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