Fords in Nam

jporter jp4321 at IDT.NET
Wed Nov 15 19:49:45 CST 2000

Ironic, ain't it? Shiny new Fords being assembled in the outskirts of Ho Chi
Minh city, for sale....wherever. And, a U.S. President poised to visit the
wonderous country of Vietnam, his anti-Vietnam War stance- as a sober young
man- a feather in his cap... cf. the CIA's talons dripping with blood-
clutching another bag of dope.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Jimmy "great ballots 'a fire" Baker- soul
shaken and brain rattled- continues to try to subvert the will of the
majority of all the people...

Make no mistake: This election represents another, perhaps the penultimate
chapter, of the revolution begun in the fifties and sixties with the civil
rights movement. 

The slim black man hasn't cleared his throat yet, but he will sing, oh yes,
he will sing! And someday, he will run for office, and win.

But watch your back, america, V. ictory might not equal winning.

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