question re Dora camp

Doug Millison millison at
Tue Oct 3 16:14:36 CDT 2000

I don't know if this will settle the argument on Pynchon-L, but thank 
you again for contributing your expert knowledge.


At 5:02 PM -0400 10/3/00, Ken McVay wrote:
>You wrote:
>>It sounds as if you might agree that the Holocaust is now generally
>>understood to include Jews and other minorities, slave labourers,
>>Soviet POWs, etc.  Is that the case? Or would you disagree that this
>>is a commonly accepted view of the Holocaust?
>I have no idea what is "commonly accepted" or not. I have heard some
>Orthodox Jews insist that only Jewish victims should be included, while
>others in the Jewish community I've spoken to use the term Shoah to
>refer to the Jewish experience and Holocaust to refer to the deliberate
>targeting of innocents.
>>Some narrow definitions of the Holocaust would include only Jewish
>>victims, although many dictionaries now define Holocaust to include
>>Jews and other minorities. I've seen material on the ADL Web site
>>that suggests they consider the slave labourers to be part of the
>>Holocaust, too.
>I don't think there will ever be a "common" understanding, but I do
>think that most folks now include non-Jewish victims.

d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>

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