To Binah or not to Binah?

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Oct 11 21:15:02 CDT 2000

>From: The Great Quail
>>   isn't this stretching the meaning of "binary structure" a little too 
>Maybe! I mean, almost any system like that can be eventually broken down 
>into binary oppositions -- hell, we can create virtual realities out of 
>zeroes and ones....

Yes, this is the point.  In my GR-influenced perspective, "Binary Systems" 
implies Control, clear decision-switching, ON or OFF.  Everything else is 
the middle.  When seeking to understand the world (not to control it), 
EVERYTHING is analyzed in terms of contrasts or similarities, but in the 
combned blends of many middle-grounds, shades of gray.  "Representation" is 
the point of Otto's binary systems.  But it should be noted that even these 
become club-footed in the hands of one not "sensitive."  Tarot, Astrology, 
I-Ching, all are best when aided by the ineffable.

>You know, there are really two ways of looking at it: everything is binary 
>or everything isn't.

Never EVER say EVERYTHING (or never)! Oh!  What did I say?  Nevermind...

David Morris
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