
jill grladams at teleport.com
Mon Oct 16 23:42:49 CDT 2000

This reminds me of a book I read, called
  Maxwell's demon : why warmth disperses and time passes / Hans
     Christian von Baeyer

Where he states a point about motion, and perception, trying to explain
entropy to the layperson. He illustrates a situation where there is not
entropy, a fake situation of something like billiard balls that don't ever
slow down. If you filmed such a situation, then ran the film in reverse, it
would not look any different. That makes me wonder, about yo-yo's: Wouldn't
that look about right? Yo yo's, in action, would look about the same in
forward motion, as opposed to reverse motion film?

Just a thought. 

David Morris wrote:
> >From: Don Corathers <crawdad at one.net>
> >
> >On page 35:
> >
> >"If you look from the side at a planet swinging around in its orbit, split
> >the sun with a mirror and imagine a string, it all looks like a yo-yo."
> It's never made sense to me either.  The mirror wold have to be
> perpendicular to the plane of orbit.  What one would see is two planets,
> real & mirror, moving away and then toward each other.  Then both would
> disappear as the real planet crossed the mirror.  I guess Pynchon just had
> to get a mirror in the image somehow, but the picture would have been more
> yo-yo-like w/o it.
> DM
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