
Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 18 18:51:04 CDT 2000

... now, if you have one of those Harper Whatever eds. of V., note that 
supposed "V." on the flyleaf, title page, even the cover of the yellow 
Harper Perrenial ed., not quite that good ol' Roman V., as, say, on the 
cover of the (blue) Bantam ed. (can't recall what's on the Lippincott) ... 
in fact, it bears no small resemblance to the lower-case Greek letter, nu, 
which, coincidentally (or perhaps not ...) is the standard symbol for 
"frequency" in physics et al. (although, as I recall, the lower-case omega, 
looking not unlike a bubbly "w," is typically used when it comes to 
electricity, at least amongst electrical engineers).   A lower-case "v" 
resembling a nu, however, is also used for velocity, and a lower-case "f" 
(resembling, indeed, the f-holes [...] of a wood [...] instrument ["heh, 
heh, he said ..."]) might also be used for frequency, but ... and a 
lower-case lambda, resmbling sort of a fancy backswept lower-case "h," 
standing for wavelength ... anyway, at least when it comes to waves, they're 
all related by the equation,

velocity (or, rather, speed?) = frequency x wavelength

And let's not ferget periodicity, the time it takes for a wavelength to pass 
(the period of a wave is often signified by a capital "T"),

speed (or, rather, velocity?) = wavelength/period

And where does that get us?  Well, I don't know, but that nu-like "V" has 
been bugging me for some time, and, seeing as we've (meaning, I've) been on 
about waves all of a sudden (a-and what about those "four WAVE lieutenants" 
@ p. 10?  And an interesting [?] question: what is the wavelength et al. of 
Benny Profane, at least as he yo-yo's about?), well ... and then there's 
that simple harmonic motion ...

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