PO-PO-mo-JO (was PO's Vision)

David Morris fqmorris at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 25 12:04:11 CDT 2000

>From: Dave Monroe <monroe at mpm.edu>
>.... maybe you're just assuming that, because we are making similar
>obsevations, we are coming to similar conclusions, is all, my fellow DM
>(are we going to have to resort to middle initials here?).

No, what makes you assume I think you agree w/ my conclusions?

>We both apparently perceive that perhaps Pynchon's (et al.), 
>"postmodernist," whatever, "encyclopedism," intertextuality, whatever, is 
>somehow antithetical to that (romanticist) idea(l) of the author as 
>singular, orginary genius (though that Pynchonian cult of genus, that 
>MacArthuir Foundation "genius" grant of his, for that matter, do tend to 
>centrifugally recoup the centripetal force[s] of his texts ...), but that's 
>apparently a problem to you,

No problem on this side, just some passing thoughts thrown out as a point 
for discussion, and really no conclusions here either.

>whereas it's much appreciated on this end.   Sound about right?

Here too, or I wouldn't be tracing all these leads he throws out to us.

David Morris
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