Chasing ... Cutting

Terrance Flaherty lycidas2 at
Tue Sep 5 17:33:53 CDT 2000

jbor wrote:
> ----------
> >From: "Terrance Flaherty" <lycidas2 at>
> > OK, If you want to we can discuss your statement: "Blicero
> > is the character most venerated in the narrative."
> ... by other characters. I'd say he is, wouldn't you?

OK, by other characters, sorry I though you were suggesting
something else. Of course he is venerated by other
characters. This is an important point. 
> > 1. Why is Marvy the exception to the no good guy bad guy
> > reading you propose?
> I find Marvy despicable, though, also, a stereotype: I can see very little
> attempt to "humanise" this character as the other main characters invariably
> are. Jeremy said it well when he described Marvy as "evil comic relief".
> When critics talk about the cartoon-like characters in Pynchon's novels it
> is Marvy who most quickly springs to mind. We don't get inside Marvy's head
> at any point: he seems to have no doubts, no conscience, no consciousness to
> speak of. Even Brock Vond is given moments of these. Marvy's castration is
> poetic justice: a romanticised resolution of the "problem" this character
> poses (for society, in history, to the text etc).

Yes, Pynchon's Parodic resolution. 

> >
> > 2. Why do the Dora homosexuals experience their freedom as
> > banishment rather than liberation?
> I'm not sure that this is quite true. These emotive terms you are bandying
> about really don't register with the actuality of the situation as
> represented in the text, or even historical "reality". 

I don't know you mean by "these emotive terms" I am bandying

Banishment? That's the term of the text 665. 

What would life have
> been like for homosexual men (let alone women) at this time in Germany or
> elsewhere in Europe? Anywhere, in fact? The term "banishment" tries to imply
> that they somehow enjoyed the time they spent in the prison camp: I don't
> think this can be supported by the text. Upon liberation this is simply what
> these men did. They wouldn't have had "freedom" as such prior to their
> internment and they probably recognised that they wouldn't get "freedom" as
> such upon liberation: they no doubt recognised that the war wasn't about Gay
> Rights at all. 

See 665.39 "Their 'liberation' was a banishment."  

And so, they opt for segregation: they simply adopt the
> tiered authority structure which was in place at Dora to regulate their own
> community. Probably because it functioned efficiently. 

Yes, they opt for segregation, but do they adopt the system
because it is efficient? No, that doesn't sound right, does

They attempt to set
> up a little "utopia" of their own, just like the Herero Empty Ones or the
> Argentine anarchists who have organised some sort of cosmopolitan
> film/commune. But, as the narrative noted then:
>      It isn't the strangest village in the Zone. Squalidozzi has come in out
>    of his wanderings with tales of Palestinian units strayed all the way
>    from Italy, who've settled down farther east and started up Hasidic
>    communes, on the pattern of a century and a half ago. There are onetime
>    company towns come under the fleet and jittery rule of Mercury, dedicated
>    now to a single industry, mail delivery, eastward and back, in among the
>    Soviets and out, 100 marks a letter. One village in Mecklenburg has been
>    taken over by army dogs. ... (613-4)
> In each case what it is is self-determination par excellence ("anarchy
> ...?"); all these mini-nations are doomed, of course (remember how Slothrop
> "is as properly constituted a state as any other in the Zone these days" too
> at 291.4); for *we* know what comes next. They don't, however, though the
> portents are there (those Russian MPs and Polish guerillas at 668-9).

Right all good examples, I can tie into this once we get the
175s settled.

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