(living) german writers - Empfehlungen??: johnson & schmidt

Lorentzen / Nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de
Wed Sep 13 09:34:31 CDT 2000

 yes, uwe johnson's "jahrestage" (- 4 volumes, 1970-83, ffm: suhrkamp) are  

 of arno schmidt i like in the first place the trillogy "nobadaddy's 
 kinder" (- "aus dem leben eines faun", "brand's haide", "schwarze spiegel"), 
 which was written in the early 50s (cf. arno schmidt werke i/1, zürich 1987: 
 haffmans, pp. 115-260, 299-390).

 both knew, like jahnn & brinkmann, how to evoke northern landscapes.

 --- just one aspect, schon klar.

 ps: it wasn't only red wine uwe johnson loved to drink. also beer &, in his 
 late years in sheerness-on-sea, "bloody mary" (- a cocktail i personally   
 cannot stand though i like both, vodka & tomato juice).     

kurt-werner pörtner schrieb:

> In addition to kfl, i must mention two guys who are both dead, too.
> Arno Schmidt ("Zettels Traum", "Schule der Atheisten", "Die 
> Gelehrtenrepublik", "Kaff auch Mare Crisium"), the German James Joyce who 
> translated Edgar Allan Poe and died 1979:
> Uwe Johnson ("Jahrestage") who died 1982 as a red wine alcoholic, came from 
> the GDR, lived in the sixties in NYC, later in England;
> contemporary authors? Silence in the forest... perhaps som guys from the 
> Prenzlauer Berg, and Goetz, as kfl said...

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