pynchon-l-digest V2 #1449

Paul Mackin pmackin at
Fri Sep 29 10:37:22 CDT 2000

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Doug Millison wrote:
> "These works demonstrate how deniers misstate, misquote, falsify statistics
> and falsely attribute conclusions to reliable sources. They rely on books
> that directly contradict their arguments, quoting in a manner that
> completely distorts the authors' objectives . . . . " --Lipstat

> It's also a fair description of the way rj has argued his points in 
> the long thread about whether or not the Holocaust might be said to 
> play a "central" role in Gravity's Rainbow, where rj's argument can 
> be characterized by the rhetorical moves that Lipstat describes in 
> her book. (Or, see his quibbling, selectively quoted definition of 
> the Holocaust in his most recent post, as he, once again, seems to 
> seeks to portray Pynchon as a Holocaust denier.)

Isn't it a case of "completely distorting an author's objective" by
ridiculously applying her words concerning the denial of the Holocaust as
an event in  history to the totally different matter of denying that the
TOPIC of the Holocaust is central to some work of fiction? (the latter
being a matter that should be of no great importance to anyone)
Or did I miss something--rj saying the Holocaust never happened?


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