Fwd: Re: Response to Re: SURVIVOR
Doug Millison
millison at online-journalist.com
Thu Sep 21 17:10:47 CDT 2000
This was posted to PSYARTS today.
>Delivered-To: millison at dnai.com
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>Approved-By: Norman Holland <nholland at UFL.EDU>
>Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 17:06:38 -0400
>Reply-To: Institute for Psychological Study of the Arts
>Sender: Institute for Psychological Study of the Arts
>From: Norman Holland <nholland at ufl.edu>
>Subject: Re: Response to Re: SURVIVOR
>Status: U
> Patrick McCord <mccord at parallel.park.uga.edu>
>Wed 10:34 PM
>I don't know what Jimmy Phelan said, but ...
>Closure is one of the base Gestalt properties of percetual organization
>and subsequent memory and categorization activities (along with good
>continuation, similarity, and proximity). While Gestalt theory isn't
>adequate to explaining all of cognition, it's a good base for
>understanding the perceptual drive (excuse me, hardcore psychoanalyists)
>to break sensation into useful bits of information and then organize the
>bits into associative networks. One such network is a script schema,
>which can be a simple procedure, tying a shoelace, or devilshly complex
>series of events, the Plot of ULYSSES or GRAVITY'S RAINBOW. The closure
>figure we recognize in tying a lace is that our shoe is secure (actually
>it's probably the motor kinesthesia of pulling the bows taut). The
>closures invoked in the following the scripts of the other two are less
>obvious and deeply overdetermined requiring a knowledge of much of Western
>lit. and some understanding of th esecond law of thermodynamics.
> The ten little Indians plot, however, is made up of a limited number of
>variables, obvious causalities, predictable (or atleast explicable)
>motivations, and an enclosed setting. The fun of such plots is in
>exercizing our inferences and predictions against what then eventuates.
>Closure is not just a trope, but, along with good continutation, the
>fundamental process by which we understand such scripts (which offer
>"solvable" plots).
>Whereas with Joyce or Pynchon, the fun is more in detecting and being
>surprised by similarities and prxomities as the works play with language,
>reference, history, and the more subtle nuances of the
>text-as-interperable-object game, in which the plot offers no single
>solutions, but lots of connections, implications, innuendoes, and
>Slothrups wanderng around Europe.
>those of us who teach know the singular problem in getting students raised
>on a steady diet of tv-style causal-closed plots interested in playing
>with texts that overdetermine or leave dangling implicatons in their
>endings. Our students experience what must be a mild, but very
>uncomfortable stress when reading such stories because they are so
>unskilled and untrained in consciously recognizing----and playing with---
>these kinds of script patternings. The ultimate cultural-political
>implications of such a population--addicted it seems to "Reality TV" with
>it's millionaire closures (Reaganomics writ surreal?)...
> Patrick Thomas McCord
>English Department, Park Hall 194 Sunny Hills Drive
>University of Georgia Athens, GA 30601
>Athens, GA 30602 706.353.0568
>"I've been asked if I ever get the DTs. I don't know; it's hard to tell
> where Hollywood ends and the DTs begin."
> - actor W.C. Fields
>On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Norman Holland wrote:
>: From:
>: "John V. Knapp" <tb0jvk1 at corn.cso.niu.edu>
>: Mon 6:42 PM
>: Dear HRG --
>: James Phelan, in *Reading People Reading Plots,* (U. of Chicago P, 1989)
>: discusses the differences between "completeness" and "closure" in narative
>: endings.
>: JVK
>: ****************
>: On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Norman Holland wrote:
>: > From:
>: > HrgSmes at aol.com
>: >
>: > Sun 7:24 PM
>: >
>: > For an article about SURVIVOR, several questions:
>: >
>: > The 'ten little indians' scenario -- and pardon my unPCness here
>-- seems to
>: > be a narrative device that has existed forever.
>: >
>: cut ...
>: > 2. Can you give some psychodynamic analytic explanations for
>this recurrent
>: > piece of business. "Closure satisfaction" comes to mind -- used in
>: > detective fiction. Ive cited this in a previous paper on THE
>: > but cannot remember where the term comes from. ?Psychology ?Narratology
>: > the by, what is the proper term for the study of narrative devices?
>: >
>: > Thanks in advance, HR Greenberg, MD ENDIT
>: >
>: ************************
>: John V. Knapp
>: Professor, Dept. of English tb0jvk1 at corn.cso.niu.edu
>: Northern Illinois University http://www.niu.edu/english/jvk/knapp.htm
>: 330 Reavis Hall Office Phone: (815) 753-6632
>: Dekalb 60115 USA
>: To depreciate a Book maliciously, or even wantonly, is
>: at least a very ill-natured office; and a morose snarling
>: Critic may, I believe, be suspected to be a bad Man.
>: Henry Fielding, *Tom Jones.*
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