Rocket(s) & Savagery.7

Terrance F. Flaherty lycidas2 at
Sun Sep 24 21:51:39 CDT 2000


Transformation? Can we go back to page 486 for a moment? NO,
OK, but that's where we get another perspective on the
"Transformation" of Blicero and, well what do you know it's
a Tower, a flame burning at the top, a petrochemical stack,
in a wheel, The Castle, and look, it's Blicero, and what is
in his eyes this time? 

Turning back to the beginning of this Fantastic episode
[GR.486] and we have Gretel. Yes it's Gretel, the poor thing
she "had more personalities than she knew what to do with." 

(I posted a lot of crap on Doubles and Identity and Merging
and Mapping and the Quest for Identity and the Holy Grail,
but Greta is all tied up in that Major Trends book and, and,
well, no time for that now.) 

Anyway, at the bottom  of GR.485 nowe on get the freeeeking
book, hurry please, OK, here, no n ot there, over here, why
look it's the god and  "Blicero was a local deity." And
what's this now, "Blicero had grown on, into another
a werewolf
but with no humanity left in his eyes:
that had faded out, day after day, and been replaced by gray
furrows, red veins in patterns that weren't human. Islands:
clotted islands in the sea. Sometimes even the topographic
lines, nested on a common point. 'It is the map of my
Ur-Heimat,' imagine a shriek so quite its almost a whisper,
'the Kingdom of Lord Blicero. A white land.' I had a sudden
understanding>>>annihilation>>>the space and time were
Blicero's own
was it the position of the Rocket

What's up with this savage? 

"the wrinkled wolf-eyes had gone even beyond these domestic
moments of telepathy, on into its animal north, to a
persistence on the hard edge of death I can't imagine, tough
cells with the smallest possible flicker inside, running on
nothing but ice, or less. He called me Katje." 


Blicero is the one they were all waiting for in a Castle,
and what are these guys up to? What's with that **CLEAR**
African mask Joseph? Why Conrad you savage. ? Oh, and what
the Fffffff, a Chalice of methyl methacrylate, a replica of
the Sangraal

Jesus on the cross, the Holy Grail? 

Blicero's Faustian Freedom: Time and Space are his )that's
what that WAR does, Blicero is described with many of the
same adjectives as the War, Time and Space belong to the
War, but of course there is no
rhetorical/logical/metaphorical/ parodical/ way to reconcile
these that the text allows so
.he is free of them of all the
limits of preterition, of humanity. . Gnosis brings
ubiquity, a permeation of the structure of events by an evil
presence that has successfully completed its Faustian
compact. Death's parody of life, technology's parody of
nature, is systematic here ain't it? 

Sure and what about those other save terms, "malignant", oh
I guess it's some irony here,  includes the irony that
cancer is a fatal excess of life, a killing disguised as
regeneration maybe and the "growing" of a "cankered root" is
pernicious anemia I guess and yes that dictionary has that
metastasizing (NAY, what a way to say yes, now bend over)
sterility that will substitute perpetual "famine" for
harvests dependent upon Orphic return from a fertile,
nourishing Underworld. Where did Slothrop lose his little
kid? So what kinda savage is this guy? He's a maverick
savage, not a Nazi at all, a rebel out on his own? OK, Kool,
but he is retreating. Now tell me, what the F is that 
Screaming at the sky in an "ungodly..." and what's up with
those eyes now, his eyes "White blank ovals," & say, this
guy is wired, Blicero has "wired his nerves back
where? Into
theUrstoff?  Talk about God's poorest and most panicked
creature" [p. 465].

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