VV(13) - Sjambok

David Morris fqmorris at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 2 10:14:15 CDT 2001


Cold Steel Sjambok, 54 In.

Retail 13.99 In Africa, the Sjambok is a cattle prod, a whip, a riding crop 
and a means of self protection. Its considerable reach, lightning speed and 
devastating impact have also built it quite a reputation as a sure defense 
against deadly snakes. And since the Sjambok is swung like a rod, not 
cracked like a bull whip, its weight, speed and flexibility does all the 
work and little physical strength is required. Our Sjamboks are made from 
precision molded black plastic. They are the same kind used by the South 
African Police. Extruded virgin black plastic. Diameter at butt: 1" tip: 

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