Slavoj Zizek
Dave Monroe
davidmmonroe at
Fri Apr 20 02:32:09 CDT 2001
I'm curious about what people think of Slavoj Zizek
(The Sublime Object of Ideology et al.). While it's a
struggle to keep up--and there's yet another book out
in recent months--I have been trying to keep abreast,
at least, with that cutting edge of Slovenian Marxist
Lacanian psychoanalytic theory (see also Joan Copjec,
Renata Salecl, et al.). Much of it's of interest to
me (esp. the stuff on the voice, see Salecl and Zizek,
eds., Gaze and Voice as Love Objects, as well as on
cinema, and I've posted at length from Zizek's
monograph on David Lynch's Lost Highway here), and I'd
suggest reading Zizek on the "real" in re: Vheissu,
"enjoyment," perhaps, in re: Blicero, but much more
sails right over my head, and there's the occasionally
disturbing element a well. Just read an interesting
bit on Hitler, the Holocaust, liberalism and evil in
his recent Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?: Four
Inventions in the (Mis)Use of a Notion, and really
want to get around to his The Fragile Absolute: Or,
Why Is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?, but
--- KXX4493553 at wrote:
> In einer eMail vom 20.04.01 09:04:07 (MEZ) -
> Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit schreibt
> davidmmonroe at
> > Try telling that to Slavoj Zizek (U of Ljubljana)
> ...
> I agree with you, Dave, Zizek - as a "student" of
> Lacan - is a kind of
> "fashion marxist" and very popular in Europe... big
> A or little A, that's the
> question..
> Kurt-Werner Pörtner
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