calbert at tiac.net calbert at tiac.net
Fri Apr 27 14:52:47 CDT 2001

> "Negotiated behind closed doors, with no citizen input but plenty of
> suggestions from business interests, the FTAA is yet another example
> of the kind of free-market fundamentalism that has created a global
> race to the bottom that erodes environmental protection, workers'
> livelihoods, and human rights."

but it will have to be ratified by the edbs of member nations......This 
is where it will see the light of day......to offer an example, Hillary 
Care was designed out of the public view, but it was clear to 
everyone involved that in the process of legislative design, it would 
be severely amended.......and HillaryCare was a VERY GOOD 
THING.......it was, in fact, choked out of existence by forces 
operating in the dark.....

> Your Mr. Pynchon may be realistic about the place of business in
> modern life, but secret cabals of the rich and powerful, particularly
> secret operations of governments in the interests of the rich and
> powerful, these he most certainly puts in the bad guy column.

All those who aggregate power around them and use it fall into this 

 They may
> fall back to earth in his fiction, or some character may escape their
> control, but not before they have done some real damage. 

yeah, but they consistently fail....and the "damage" they do results 
in the same body count as other "phenomena"......

We can accept
> this resignedly. We can hope that if we behave well, they will reward
> us. But how long, how far, will you go along before the counterforce
> inside you makes you feel like vomiting?

If I had not been born a white male, if I did not live in the US, I would 
be dead or in jail - WORD!

 I don't think maintaining a
> healthy resistance to directives from on high is inconsistence with
> the events and characters of Pynchon's writing (as if I need his
> blessing). 

Undeniably, but choose your battles with some care......

Therefore I say to hell with the FTAA. Freedom and justice
> for people first! Hasta la victoria siempre!

We anxiously await details of your alternative.......


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