look article
lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de
Fri Aug 10 06:23:27 CDT 2001
wood jane schrieb:
> 1963 LSD first appears on the streets (liquid on sugar
> cubes). Articles about LSD first appear in mainstream
> media (Look, Saturday Evening Post). 2
according to hofmann, posted this yesterday, the look article about
lsd-making-cary-grant-able-to-love-women-truly appeared in september 1959.
and since "quick" is as mainstream as media can be, german housewifes could
know about lsd since 1954. however, what gives me the feeling that all this
doug-bashing (yes, i was into this too, but am turned-off by it know) has
n o t h i n g to do with pynchon?! kai
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