jbor jbor at
Fri Aug 10 19:16:03 CDT 2001

on 8/10/01 9:50 AM, Doug Millison at DMillison at wrote:

> LSD use was widespread among
> American housewives by the early '60s, "jbor" was telling us yesterday.

No Doug. I suggested that the type of community hospital-sponsored
experiment which Pynchon refers to in the novel would in all likelihood have
included housewives among its control group. Such experiments were certainly
being run in the U.S. through the 50s and 60s, and would have been common
knowledge, if the media reports, scholarly articles, and allusions in
popular culture which have been cited here are anything to go by. Despite an
enormous amount of documentation provided by a number of people you are now
claiming that other listers only address your inaccurate assertions because
you are the one making them. Whether or not this is the case -- I doubt that
it is so, but it's been one of *your* modus operandi all along I'd add --
the assertions you made are still inaccurate.

For you to suddenly attack one lister for trying to assume another anonymous
persona is hypocritical, especially considering the adulation you heap at
another lister's feet even while he adopts the very same tactic!


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