NP - Stem Cell Fumble

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Aug 15 23:12:07 CDT 2001

>From: "Kato du Bois"
>Yeah, that possibile "farm" is part of what I meant. And by 
>"half-way-there" I meant that these therapies, because they are packaged 
>today with so much sweetness and light about curing illnesses, will fly 
>under the radar of many folks who may otherwise object to out-and-out 

By "otherwise" do you mean if the "folks" were as informed as you?  Or that 
maybe THEY will fly under _your_ radar screen?

>It's that benevolent PR that's won over a segemnt of the pro-life faction, 

You almost make it sound as if  reason is to be feared.

>But, who am I to tell someone their great-great-grandchildren can't have 
>their Tupperware-ready spleen? ... I'm just a 21st century diabetic who'd 
>rather not have that double-helix f^cked with in my name.

Your name or not, here it comes.  Now the job is to face it square on, not 
to run away in fear.  I want my extra spleen now, even before this one's 

David Morris

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