Website postings
wood jim
jim33wood at
Mon Aug 20 13:26:11 CDT 2001
--- MalignD at wrote:
> Might one consider (Jim Wood: I'm talking to you)
> that plowing through posts
> containin un-commented-upon websites (leave alone
> seven such in six separate
> posts) is extremely tedious for a reader? And what
> exactly is the point?
I'll make it not so mysterious.
Hollander says Cicero to Varo/Varro.
As someone (I don't know who) suggested some years
on this list apparently, Varo/Varro doesn't quite cut
the mustard. But isn't Cicero an important clue?
This ties up several threads. One thread, The Tube,
like the Radio in P's "The Secret Integration" or the
Spherics in Mondaugan's story, or film in Pokler's sex
"life" (and there are hundreds of these, for example,
the sick crew memeber who ties a balloon, with a
Zzzzz on it, to his bed post and wires himself up,
like Mondaugan, to the information machine--TV,
Radio, Film, Etc....
And of course there is the decoding of the messaages,
but these are all mixed up. In fact, the characters
are mixed up in them and by them. So, when Weissman
decodes the Spheric's message, it is not only the
Wittgenstein but Kurt Mondaugan. So, for example, the
members of the sick crew, the cops, even the President
of the U.S.A (GR) (Paola being an important
exception) assume the roles of TV, Radio, Film,
characters. P never tires of exploiting the seemingly
endless opportunities for satire and gags and
ANyway, just as the Spherics, the radio signals in
"TSI" and the films in GR, often mixed with dreams or
other states altered, have mixed, not always
white-noised and entropic messages that the reader may
understand better than the characters, so too does the
story that Mr. Thoth tells to Oedipa.
His dream is mixed with cartoon. Several cartoons.
This is one of the notes I provided.
"Porky's Phoney Express"
Originally Released on March 19, 1938.
Black & White
Synopsis: Porky (as a janitor) gets his chance to
be Pony Express rider. He does not know he is being
used as an Indian diversion for actual mail carrier.
What about the other cartoons?
And, what about Cicero?
Your turn,
Wood & "Associates"
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