"taz" article - one more tidbit of info

Nika Bertram ame16 at uni-koeln.de
Thu Dec 6 02:51:57 CST 2001

"Oder doch nur, weil er mit einem für amerikanische Verhältnisse
inakzeptablen Bugs-Bunny-Gebiss geschlagen ist?"

please discuss ;))

and as to the last sentence:
"Herr Bröckers, übernehmen Sie."

... you might find it helpful to know that the journalist here is
referring to Matthias Bröckers, who since 911 has become sort of famous
for a series of partly absurd, partly quite convincing conspiracy
theories concerning everything to do with the tragedy.

The series is published under the title "The WTC conspiracy" in the
internet magazine "telepolis" and has 24 parts so far 
(oh, why not just 23? ;)

latest entry in this series:


Nika Bertram - el at tronika.org - pgp-key available

stranger than fiction: http://www.kahunamodus.de

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