Quail's Selective Understanding

The Great Quail quail at libyrinth.com
Thu Dec 13 12:14:01 CST 2001

>You just keep hammering away with my use of the word "official." Let 
>me clear it up if I can--An "official eye for an eye" was meant to 
>note the "official" number of dead Afghans, as accounted for in the 
>Report I posted along with my comment.

All right, that certainly does shade your meaning differently. Though 
the gist is still the same -- based on previous posts, you must 
admit, you see the US attacks as not only unjust, but based primarily 
on revenge, yes? Or am I being inaccurate again?

>Seeing as how you probably didn't bother to read the Report, and 
>maybe not even the end of Toby's post, I'll let you off the hook.

Then put me back on the hook, because I read it all. Though I still 
ask the question to the P-List pacifists, especially you, Doug, Toby, 
and Richard:

Do you feel that the United States ever been "right" in waging war, 
keeping in mind that even WWII had civilian casualties? I ask, 
because I wish to know the extent and limits of your pacifism.


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