What's the story?

Michel Ryckx michel.ryckx at freebel.net
Fri Dec 14 05:27:06 CST 2001

Let's push on.

If we have a short break after 'Latitudes and Departures' (as you proposed some
time ago; with which proposal I agree), we could take the time to look back on
part 1, before starting with part 2.

Even when many among us prefer not to participate in this reading, the main
reason for the existence of the p-list is to discuss the works.  There's no need
at all to stop this MDDM (though I still prefer MDMD for tradition's sake).

Lack of time --it's euro minus 18 days over here; a lot of work still has to be
done-- has prevented me in participating more actively.  But you can count on me
for at least one more hosting for part 2.

Your efforts during this reading are very much appreciated.  Thank you, Robert.


jbor wrote:

> Pardon the interruption, but I'd like some feedback.
> The MDDM has almost reached the end of Section One of the novel, and will
> definitely break over the Xmas-New Year period. From what I can tell there
> have been about as many people reading along as are not, though the overall
> number of subscribers to the list does seem to have dwindled alarmingly. For
> various reasons, however, that's a bit hard to know for certain.
> I'm quite happy to push on with the reading, put together a schedule and
> host sign-up, but I'm just as happy to take it off-list or let it slide
> altogether.
> I'd appreciate suggestions from other listers, either on- or offlist. If the
> consensus is to push on, I'll draft a schedule and post it over the weekend.
> You may now resume your regularly scheduled program.
> best

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