MDDM pizza (and pieces of eight)

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Sat Dec 15 10:26:27 CST 2001

jbor wrote:

> But back to the *deus ex machina* idea: Pynchon behind it all is *double*
> double double-dealing (2 x 2 x 2 = 8) with his ("historical") narratives,
> and with his readers, at these moments. More than this, the outrageous
> improbability of the sudden presence and active intervention of both of
> these giant eight-entities in order to progress his narrative seems to
> flaunt the *literary* plot-maker's art/ifice, deliberately so, to such an
> extreme degree that you don't even really notice that you're being duped, or
> else you suddenly realise, perhaps, that you *always* are

Rob's calculation reminds me that 8 in binary is 1000.
Is there anything millenarian going on here?
Millennialism is of course a philosphy of history.
Perhaps GR is a book of revelation.
Think  the other Book of Revelation was cited once before.

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