Opera's Second Death

The Great Quail quail at libyrinth.com
Mon Dec 17 09:10:05 CST 2001

>And I think my youngest brother
>actually asked for that Feldman piece last Christmas

I love it, but it seems to scare most people out of the room. My 
girlfriend calls it "That crazy Star Trek opera."

>Familiar with Luciano
>Berio's Sinfonia?

One of my favorites -- in fact, I wrote a review of it:


...in case you are interested. I also have some commentary on 
Feldman's "Neither" accessible from there as well.

>and you no doubt will disagree with a staement
>like Dolar's "I share the view held by many that the
>opera is emphatically finished"

Oh, my! Yeah, that sort of view might tend to raise my eyebrows. 
Though it might be a good read anyway, it sounds like they make some 
nice points about the opera that they do admit into their circle of 

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