NP Another Left academic describes Chomsky's responses to 11/9 as"misguided"

Musashi Miyamoto scuffling at
Sun Dec 30 20:39:25 CST 2001

In response to Barbara's "What, you think you can slip this past us because
Doug's away on holiday?! Not so fast."
Jbor wrote "You seem to be under the mistaken impression that Doug and
yourself embody the political sensibility of the majority of subscribers to
this list, and that the expression of alternative points of view to your own
is treason.
That this attitude leads you and he to attempt to drown out or otherwise
censor opposing viewpoints merely reflects on your own dogmatism and
totalitarianising tendencies."

Which doesn't make sense. Who knows what "a majority of subscribers" think?
Who cares? That would only be important in a totalitarian environment. If
Barbara thought that she and Doug "embody the political sensibility of the
majority of subscribers to this list," she wouldn't have believed that,
without Doug, she would be the only one to respond. That is unless she
believes that, while many of people who subscribe may find Chomsky (and a
majority of world opinion [including the new, supposedly debilitated Pynchon
interview]) agreeable, they have grown tired of the bait and response
between David Morris' numerous, vocal hunters and Doug Millison's fewer
(posting) gatherers. Kind'a like "Lord of the Flies" around here, sometimes.
"Sucks to your ass-mar."

"Kill the pig, slit it's throat, spill it's blood!" There! I hope we all
feel better now.

This is probably my last post of the year. Happy New Year, and god bless us,


Keep Cool, but Care
Henry Mu

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