answering jody Re: pynchon-l-digest V2 #1582
KXX4493553 at
KXX4493553 at
Thu Jan 4 12:22:29 CST 2001
I don't want to intervene in the "American" discussion about GR or if the
Holocaust "appears" in GR or not. I just want to tell you as I read GR in
German translation for the first time (in autumn1981 when it was published by
the Rowohlt Verlag) as a young man of 22 it was "of course" full of
references to the Shoah, not in the concrete content, but as a kind of
permanent background. Surely you can say: for a German reader nothing
extraordinary, how should he/she read it in another way? But for me as a
young man, twenty years ago, reading "Dialectics of Enlightment" of
Horkheimer/Adorno at the same time, the Holocaust was less "singular" that it
is for me today. As Doug says: the industrial system brought with itself its
own nightmares, and there was no difference for me in throwing an atomic bomb
on Hiroshima or using Cyclon-B in Auschwitz for killing the jews (to repeat
it: now I have got another view on that things). As a famous chapter in the
"Dialectics of Enlightment" is called: "Enlightment as mass swindle"
(Aufklaerung als Massenbetrug). This kind of system is self-referential,
there is no "outside" or "exit" to get off this "syndrome". The Critical
Theory and Pynchon have in common that paranoia is the only "adequate" way of
thinking about it. PoMo was a consequence of this resignative realization: if
you cannot change the world, you must interpret it - a question of
"perspectivsm". And in this context you can say that GR ist "about" the
Holocaust. If Pynchon only wanted to write about the "industrial-military
complex" or something like that he would have written a polit-economic or
sociological book about it; but he wrote literature, and there was a
"double-problem" for him: on the one hand: which structures are responsible
for the desasters of the 20th century, and, on the other hand, how can you
write about it in a "correct" artificial representation? Both - the problem
of analyzing it and the problem of representation - you can find in GR. And
the discussion which view is the right one and which the wrong (in the shape
of: PoMo against "political correctness") is something that we call in German
a "Gespensterdebatte" (ghost debate).
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