"underlying causative process"
lycidas2 at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 23 08:33:31 CST 2001
Jody says,
[[[["The more important question, I think, is whether or not
the books themselves
support the notion that there is some underlying causative
process for all
these events, that they might be inevitable on a deeper
level than just the
intentionality of the usual suspects conveniently blamed for
them, or,
whether the books suggest that those events could have been
avoided. That
would include events of a similar nature in the future, and,
what role the
books themselves might be playing w/r/t to such
That underlying causative process, the subject of *Gnostic
Pynchon* btw, does not
stand in opposition to the intentionality of the usual
suspects that Hollander Names.
Note, Jody, that it is an **underlying** process that you
say might be deeper. Hollander goes under the tapestry, to
use his metaphor. So perhaps you agree that there is
something going on under the rose so to speak?
I don't think it is a matter of these suspects being
conveniently blamed. That substratum, while it is causative,
involves an agonistic paradox, not entirely alien to the
West Doug, but certainly not common. It is in fact
benevolent, and while it may be causative it does not deny
free will. So it can not be blamed for all of men's follies
and faults. It also disrupts, by Murphy's law or some other
adjustment, some anomalous, mysterious, or otherwise
unknowable way, it's own causes and effects. That's what the
author does as well or tries to. The usual suspects attempt
to co-opt it's benevolent power and create a state of siege,
a WAR state, a dialectical conflict, no agonistic paradox
there as Enzian discovers, just agreements, knotting up and
dissolving as expedience and resources, synthesis and
The reader contract is not quite broken. It seems to be, See
episode 23 of GR, 532-537, and toss in the bogus citation to
the Gospel of Thomas for good measure. And yes, even one of
our dearest narrators, a "wholly paranoid" or "holy
paranoid" narrator, depending on which heresy you choose,
turns himself in. Their Newspaper I think it is safe to
say, is the Wall Street Journal. Where did Dante put the
When I consider how my nights are spent,
near half my dreams in this dark world of books
where plot midgets vanish like frightened schnooks
and Doper's Greed is given up for Lent
withdrawing from the whole dark grandiose scheme
wrapped in a little package in my mind
I find the clues, the vision of the blind
outside the inside labyrinth of dream.
At every turn, at night's foregathering
the dividing walls collapse, the signs fade
and I am left to Sherlock clewless zones
I listen to the song the windmills sing
I stuff my eyes with wax and retrograde
and sleep and dream of souls and living stones.
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