Interpreting the past

Dave Monroe monroe at
Wed Jan 24 21:33:04 CST 2001

Keep in mind that I haven't actually read any othe works I'm about to
list off, but they seem to be along the lines of what you seem to be
interested in, from various points along the so-called political
"spectrum" (which consists largely of various shades of two colors over
here, alas ...).   Culled from, er, the bibliography of Nick Bromell's
Tomorrow Never Knows ...

Gitlin, Todd.  The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage.
    New York: Bantam, 1987.

Mendel-Reyes, Meta.  Reclaiming Democracy: The Sixties
  in Politics and Memory.  New York: Routledge, 1995.

Isserman, Maurice.  The Death of the Old Left and the
   Birth of the New Left.  New York: Basic Books, 1989.

Sayres, Sohnya, et al., eds.  The Sixties without Apology.
   Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1984.

Miller, Jim.  Democracy in the Streets: From Port Huron
   to the Siege of Chicago.  Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1994.

Collier, Peter and David Horowitz.  Destructive Generation:
   Second Thoughts about the Sixites.  New York: Summit, 1989.

... the last I recall Bromell calling "the locus classicus of 60s
bashing" or somesuch, if that counts as "rethinking."  But I think
people have been "rethinking" the 60s since at least the 60s, and,
certainly since the so-called Reagan "revolution" (how's THAT for a
'rethinking" of 60s rhetoric?  A veritable symbolic inversion).  Anyway,
hope those are of help, and not too late ...

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