
Doug Millison millison at
Tue Jan 30 12:01:35 CST 2001

Any doubts remaining that the folks who control petroleum have 
finally achieved -- or appear on the verge of achieving -- the 
hegemony that Pynchon *may be* talking about in GR?  To the point, 
here in California and soon elsewhere it appears, of controlling even 
the electrical Grid wherein Byron the Bulb dreams.

see today's NY Times,
President Offers Plan to Promote Oil Exploration

President Bush said today that he was "deeply concerned" that the 
power crisis was "spreading beyond the California borders" and vowed 
to make it easier for companies to explore, exploit and transport oil 
and gas for the production of more electricity.

...continues at

No surprise that, given the oil industry ties of this Administration...

Or is this just more of that paranoia that Pynchon undercuts in his 
work, mere distraction from the real show, the real work which lies 
somewhere within but not quite completely confined by that We/They 

Yr humble Slothropian Oedipalist,

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