Hajdu book due this spring

Richard Romeo richardromeo at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 31 21:11:43 CST 2001

doug wrote:

>...that Pynchon was closely involved in that project -- he asked for, and 
>got, some 100 pages of translation before committing to the project, and 
>worked closely with the translators, back and forth via fax, in a way that 
>suggested to the translator who was interviewed by Liberation that Pynchon 
>has a very good grasp of the French language.
wonder how proficient Pynchon is with other languages. wouldn't be surprised 
if he knew a few.  the Hajdu article on Burn's Jazz in the NYRB is very 

Another book recommendation:  Private Warriors by Ken Silverstein.  explains 
the nefarious deeds, connections, and repercussions of our own true blue, 
patriotic military-indutrial complex in these here United States.

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