electronic text of Gravity's Rainbow

Terry Cox terryacox at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 1 20:36:41 CDT 2001

I have scanned Gravity's Rainbow, and I have typeset it using LaTeX to look 
as much as possible like the first edition text. I have also converted the 
dvi file created by LaTeX into Postscript and PDF formats, and I have 
created an HTML edition as well. My primary use for the HTML version is text 
searches and quick navigation, but I have also used iSiloWeb to convert the 
HTML text into a file that I have installed on my Palm Pilot. The PDF file 
is particularly good for reading on a regular computer screen, and it is 
also searchable. Pagination in these files is not the same as the first 
edition, but correct page numbers appear in the margins. I set up the 
dvi/postscript/pdf files so that they can be printed in book format 
(double-sided) on letter-sized paper for insertion into a notebook.

I have two questions:

(1) Has anyone else created electronic versions of Pynchon texts?

(2) How many copyright laws have I violated thus far?

Terry A. Cox
email: terryacox at hotmail.com

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