the varieties of mystic experience
lorentzen-nicklaus at
Wed Jul 4 11:17:46 CDT 2001
re: who's mystic?
since "the varieties of religious experience" [1901/2] by william james was
discussed some weeks ago, i may hint at the lectures xvi and xvii, which deal
with mystic states of mind. (in the tarot's great arcanum, xvi is "the tower"
and xvii "the star": fits perfectly!). in the beginning of his lecture, james
names four criteria for the mystical experience (again in own re-translation):
inexpressibleness, noetic quality, transitoriness, & passivity. more than once,
james points out that the actual existence of mystical experiences 'falsifies'
the claim of the non-mystical everyday state of mind to be the authoritative
instance of truth. in his introduction to the german paperback edition of 1997
(william james: die vielfalt religiöser erfahrung. übersetzt von eilert herms
und christian stahlhut. ffm/leipzig: insel verlag), peter sloterdijk
("chancen im umgeheuren. notiz zum gestaltwandel des religiösen in der
modernen welt im anschluß an einige motive bei william james", pp. 11-34)speaks
of james' "ontological pluralism" (hey, i must have heard this term before
...), & he also goes for the thesis that this could be considered to be "an
american way into phenomenology" (p. 25, own translation). any comments on
ps: those interested in a new systems-theoretical
view on religion may check out luhmann's
posthumously published "die religion der
gesellschaft" (ffm 2000: suhrkamp).
pps: "the world is just a great big onion ... &
the only way to get rid of this great big onion
is to plant love-seeds until it diies, huuuh ..."
(marvin gaye & tammi terrel, late 1960s)
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