COLGR49: Chapter 1 Summary

Michael Baum michael.baum at
Tue Jul 31 14:37:18 CDT 2001

Otto (on Tuesday, July 31, 2001, 9:05:35 AM):

O> COLGR49: Chapter 1

O> The Over-determination of symbols

O> All Good 49ers . . .

O> 0. Seven X Seven:
O> Seven is the number of the universe, the makrocosmos, completeness, a
O> "totality" contrary to a singularity. Seven covers Three and Four, the
O> numbers of the Heaven and the Earth. So it includes both the Spiritual and
O> the Secular.


Also, if you independently take the square roots of the digits of 49
(Oedipa, a square, going out in search of her roots) you get 23, which
invokes the entire corpus of the 23-skidoo, Law of Fives mythos from
Shea and Wilson's _Illuminatus_ trilogy.


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