more web resources of possible interest

Doug Millison DMillison at
Fri Jun 1 17:25:42 CDT 2001

The Scout Report for Business & Economics -- May 31, 2001

>From Coop America, is an informative site offering news,
>information, and resources for understanding the exploitative nature of
>sweatshops around the world and how users can help shut them down. Along
>with traditional sweatshops, the site also addresses migrant workers and
>difficulties these workers have when they try to form unions.
>suggests ways in which people can get involved in anti-sweatshop
>from boycotting stores to leafletting. This is a top-notch beginner's
>handbook for understanding the economics of sweatshops around the world.
>15. Commodity Fetish Times
>This Website offers a wry and accessible look at Marxist theory, especially
>Marx' theory of commodity as spectacle. The site is dressed up with images
>of Betty Boop and puckering lips. However, its breakdown of Marxist theory
>is actually quite clear and easy-to-understand. Commodity Fetish Times
>also includes updates and watches transnational corporate globalization and
>worker resistance. CFT provides several helpful links pages to Marxist
>theory, works councils, and globalization. The site was created in 1997,
>year of the dancing, animated gif, so it tends to be a little slow to load.
>Nonetheless, for those looking for an introduction to commodity and
>Commodity Fetish Times will be a good place to start.

>The Fall and Recovery of the Cuban Economy in the 1990s-Mirage or Reality

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