calling all col49'ers, lets get ready to rumble!!!!

Samuel Moyer smoyer at
Wed Jun 6 17:26:00 CDT 2001

>lets make Aug--> july, and I was wondering if anyone minds
> If anyone has major beef, please email me and i will adjust myself
> accordingly.
>                    Saud of Arabia.

Just one....

The last section of our _V._ read is slated for July 9.  We give these two
weeks.  And since it is the last chapter of a ten month (I think) read, some
may want another week - maybe more - to discuss the book in general.  This
means that we may not be able to begin COL49 until Aug 1 or Aug 15.  I don't
know.... but I think we should give V. whatever time it is due.  We don't
have to begin M&D on Sept 1.... it can wait a week or two while we work on
COL49.  Oh, if we need to add a day or three to each section, that is
probably ok too... when we start M&D we will be at it for a while... I don't
think another week delay will bother anyone... (I think jbor made this point
also... --- so let's do COL49 fast, but leave enough time to make it
worthwhile... and let's not kill _V._ either.)

I've been flipping through the book trying to pick a section... Can't
decide... So, I will let you.

Thanks Saioued,

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