SV: calling all col49'ers, lets get ready to rumble!!!!

SB ssbalslev at
Thu Jun 7 01:52:26 CDT 2001

Thumbs up Saioued

Nice with some Col49 progress. Well, I for one would like to try out the
second half of Chapter 5 (Hilarius, right?) and that lonely Chapter 4.

Kind regards


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at]På
vegne af Saioued Al-Zaioued
Sendt: 6. juni 2001 23:53
Til: pynchon-l at
Emne: calling all col49'ers, lets get ready to rumble!!!!

Discussion:  Main Entry:	dis·cus·sion
Pronunciation:	di-'sk&-sh&n
Function:	noun
Date:	14th century
1 : consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate
2 : a formal treatment of a topic in speech or writing
                  Merriam Webster

We all know some smothering of English don't we?Put that dictionary aside
and lets get it on! Mr Moyer's excellent date sheet is flawless, except for
one minor detail, lets make Aug--> july, and I was wondering if anyone minds
if i start the first one and lay down the ground rules.

To sign up for a section email me and I will do it on a first come first
serve basis, also tell me the section you would like as an alternative. If
you have no preference, god bless you, you will make my job a whole lot
easier. Here are the dates and sections:

july 1 Chapter 1 Host Name
july 4 Chapter 2 Host Name
july 7 Chapter 3 pp. 44-64 Host Name
july 10 Chapter 3 pp. 65-80 Host Name
july 13 Chapter 4 Host Name
july 16 Chapter 5 pp. 100-124 Host Name
july 19 Chapter 5 pp. 124 -145 Host Name
july 21 Chapter 6 pp. 146-165 Host Name
july 24 Chapter 6 pp. 166-183 Host Name

Here is what I think should be the requirements of a host:

1.Quick summary of the section (Summary)
2.Important detail(s) that the person finds interesting, with perhaps a
little bit of research (Juicy Bits)
3.Raise an issue in the text, take a stance, and then run for cover.
(Dialectic Dynamo)

If anyone has major beef, please email me and i will adjust myself

                   Saud of Arabia.

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