VV - Chapter 13.I - Summary of Sorts (Much Belated)

David Morris fqmorris at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 8 17:31:59 CDT 2001

In NYC Profane feels he has reached "dead center":  He's got a girl, a home, 
and a job alongside SHROUD.  But then the inanimate strikes back at him in 
spades, killing his job and his sense of safety.  SHROUD sends Benny bon 
voyage with the motto, "Keep Cool ut Care."  "It's a watchword, Profane, for 
you side of the morning."

Benny reclaims Schlemihilhood in a multi-segment (sub-chapter) debate with 

Benny:  "Love is a Lie." (Schlemihils (men?) lie.)
Rachel:  "Love requires conning each other a little."  (We all lie - it's 

Benny:  "Schlemihils can't give, only take." (expressing his large 
guilt-trip, "another SHROUD, another guilty conscience," about his failings 
as a mate/man.)
Rachel:  "You have to grow up." (meaning: "don't feel so guilty.  Females 
know you better than you know yourselves (and we con you too), and we still 
want you.)

Benny:  We men have an empty heart.
Rachel:  We women know better.

More later,
David Morris
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