who's Christian?

Doug Millison DMillison at ftmg.net
Wed Jun 20 15:52:54 CDT 2001

It's clear to a demonstrably broad spectrum of observers (I provided a
glimpse of that spectrum in some posts yesterday) that Pynchon deals in his
writing with serious religious questions and introduces into his fiction
material from many of the major world faith traditions, that he grapples
with many of the issues that have animated debates, schisms, and violence
throughout the history of religion. As far as I can tell in this thread so
far, nobody seriously questions this fact.

How would you define "religious writer" to distinguish it from "a writer who
writes about religion"?

Thomas Eckhardt
Well, if that is what you mean by "religious writer", yes, certainly, I
agree. But
you are stretching the meaning of the term quite a bit, aren't you?

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