holy schnikeys batman!

mike j michaelmailing at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 27 11:48:11 CDT 2001

re: burstyn and the oscar - why, because she allowed
herself to look like shit? i admit she was the most
compelling thing about the movie, it's only
unfortunate she was drowned in aronofsky's 'style' and
'substance.'  but seeing an old woman living alone and
having it break your heart is like seeing a puppy dog
and thinking it's cute, you don't have much choice. 

and as for that annoying repetitious 'ritual,' yeah,
that was cool the *first* time...


I agree that there's a certain ... faux complexity
about Aronofsky's films so far (esp. Pi), but, as
cloying a sthey can be, those little repeated
shorthand bits of his (the coffee ritual in Pi, the
heroin ritual in RFAD) are rather comic-booky, and
Miller has often used similar devices himself.  But
I'm worried about stylization, which I think killed
those first two films (II and IV were just plain
miserable, no matter what)--Batman, as the most
potentially "naturalistic" of yr major comic book
characters (rich guy, works out, nifty toys), really
ought to be treated as such.  And, ironically,
perhaps, he might need to tone things down a
little--those were pretty hyper movies so far.  By the
way, Ellen Burstyn deserved the Oscar for her
performance in RFOD ...

--- mike j <michaelmailing at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Rented 'requiem for a dream' last night, after
> monroe's disquieting post about aronofsky directing
> the next batman. not that i feel protective of the
> caped crusader (do i have the right guy?), it just
> seemed incongruous, being that the humorless
> aronofsky
> apparently likes to tackle deep subjects in a
> shallow
> way (i love the independent film channel's trailer
> for
> 'pi' -- "Maybe it's genius! AND MAYBE IT'S NOT..." )
> -- perhaps he's trying for a reversal this time?
> anyway, jordan catalano aside,  i'm sure darren's a
> nice young man and all, and it's nice to see someone
> from brooklyn getting paid, but sheesh, i'd consider
> him for below's list, if he wasn't more along the
> lines of a producer of adequate senior-year projects
> that somehow get past the ushers.

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