Thoroughly postmodern Pynchon

Doug Millison DMillison at
Wed Jun 27 18:50:38 CDT 2001

Including a picture as a "signifier" in novel, sure. I think even Pynchon
would be hard pressed to write a novel with smoke signals. I don't see how
any of this particular discussion adds greatly to understanding Pynchon's
novels.  The signifier/signified discussion did sound exciting to me when I
first encountered it back in the 70s, until some of the professors I studied
with told me that it didn't matter what text you take, Proust or Pynchon or
the back of a breakfast cereal box, what counts is the critic's response. I
admit that took a bit of the zest out of it for me. 

It's just that a traffic light or a drawing (P does include
a couple of these in V. remember) or smoke signals can work

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