VV (11): Non e Vero
Dave Monroe
davidmmonroe at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 12 10:12:55 CST 2001
Thanks! Actually, considering that I had to eke a
translation out of endless web hits entirely in
Italian, and then consult various online
Italian/English dictionaries some of which wouldn't
even produce a translation for "trovato," I'm pretty
happy that I got as close as I did. Made my own loose
translation of "invention" as "idea," just to get the
gist of what I thought was being said across (and "non
e vero, e buon trovato" is one of the few things I got
back a few times, hence ...), but ... but is this a
quote of some sort or merely an idiom? I got excited
when it seemed to be implied in an Italian article on
Wittgenstein, but, alas, to no avail ...
--- jbor <jbor at bigpond.com> wrote:
> ----------
> >From: Dave Monroe <monroe at mpm.edu>
> >
> > "Non e vero, e buon trovato" = "It is not true,
> but it is a
> > good idea"?
> Actually, that line runs: "Se non è vero, è molto
> ben trovato"; and roughly
> translates as "If it is not true, it is very well
> invented". There might
> indeed be a subtle play on Ben's name in Mafia's
> allusion to this well-known
> saying, which would explain why she is so amused.
> She's certainly clever
> enough, I think, and with that Sartre connection
> indeed seems to be one of
> the intellectual forces of the WSC.
> best
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