pynchon-l-digest V2 #1708

Doug Millison millison at
Thu Mar 15 21:16:25 CST 2001

>Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 08:03:39 +1100
>From: "jbor" <jbor at>
>Subject: Re: Recent Chapter
>Actually, you're not "only" Max, you're someone else as well, as we all

That's a very funny comment coming  from somebody who hides behind an 
anonymous email name and address and who now posts under a different 
name than before.

I second Max's kudos to Dave Monroe for fine V. notes. Indeed, they 
shed much light on the text in question, and represent a lot of hard 
work, insight, and a very gracious, generous spirit.

Having participated in the group discussions of Mason & Dixon, 
Vineland, and Gravity's Rainbow, I can safely say it's never been the 
duty of a session host to answer every question or deal with each 
topic that comes up -- the other discussion participants could, well, 
participate and carry on a discussion.  In past discussions, 
participants other than the hosts also often posted voluminous 
comments, notes, & etc. re the section under discussion, as "David 
Morris" has done throughout the V. discussion so far.

As to another point in rj/jbor's tirade, if a particular deserves 
more discussion, why not make some comments in that direction? 
Nobody can stop anybody from posting anything they want to Pynchon-L, 
it's an unmoderated discussion.

As always, if the current Pynchon-L programming doesn't suit, please 
feel free to change the channel.

Thanks again, Dave, for a very stimulating and enlightening job so far.

d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>

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