Pynchon's Badass

David Morris fqmorris at
Fri Mar 23 15:28:45 CST 2001

>From: "Phil Wise" > >
> > >"I want to break out--to leave this cycle of infection and
> > >death. I want to be taken in love: so taken that you and I
> > >will be gathered, inseparable, in the radiance of what we
> > >would be come...." GR.724
> >
>Apologies for butting in here,

This is a completely open forum.

>but, given the fascist terror of the corporeal body

I don't know that this is a given.  What do you mean by this?

>and their desire to transcend it (into a machine-like body, be it an actual 
>machine or the "machine" of the military, or in death this purity of light 
>W/B refers to) could it be that W/B is merely expressing his fascism here?  
>In other words, that it isn't the "cycle of infection and death" (i.e 
>corporeal life) that is under contestation, but his reading of it as merely 
>this cycle - that it is a problem of reading (in a very broad sense) the 
>meaning of life?

Sorry, but I can't follow you.  Whatever it is in this quote is "his 
reading."  He wants to break free of the cycle, whatever that means to him.  
I don't follow what you're saying after that.  Please try to clarify a bit.


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