
David Morris fqmorris at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 28 22:29:58 CST 2001

It's hard to garner tears for an ages-old, mind-dominating, and colossusly 
rich world power, Terrance.  Also, despite your claims of wrongful 
homophobe-labeling, I claim the right of common discourse.  Most people can 
follow, and please ask for clarification if you can't.

>From: Terrance
>David Morris wrote:
> >
> > If Pynchon is cursed with being raised RC,
>If I wrote that an author was cursed with being born a Jew
>or a Buddhist what would be the reaction here? You know damn
>well that Dave Monroe is a Catholic, that there are
>Christians and Jews on this list and you guys persist in
>flame baiting. Robert may in fact have total ignorance of
>the Old and New Testament Gods, I doubt it since he went to
>Mass last Christmas and couldn't remember the words to a
>hymn, unless that was more of the same. Look, I don't care
>if you are Catholic yourself, it's flame bait. I'm mostly in
>agreement with Freud on religion, but I know that it remains
>the way of life for most of the world. Let's try to be
>careful and tolerant of OTHERS. If you have a serious
>comment about what I wrote about P's Catholicism I loved to
>here it.

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