Someone Might Have Posted This Gag Already, But...

Richard Romeo richardromeo at
Thu Mar 29 22:39:36 CST 2001

Usenet search result 1 for pynchon

From: tom (blind_boy at
Subject: pynchon...dylan...carousels of love
Date: 2001-01-30 10:48:51 PST


how are you?

not that long ago in this very newsgroup during a discussion about
references to dylan in literature i mentioned that a number of sly
references can be found in the work of thomas pynchon.  this revelation
brought almost immediate silence and nothing much else was said.  until,
of course, one michael g. smith asked me to point some of those
references out.  i explained that pynchon is, in fact, yes, it's true, a
lurker here and that i didn't think he would like me spilling his beans,
so to speak.  shortly thereafter, i had a little falling out, shall we
say, with mr. pynchon about a completely unrelated matter so i felt
obliged to flick one of his beans of the proverbial table and noted that
he quotes country pie somewhere in mason & dixon.  this unnerved to no
end and he came over with a bottle of bourbon and we proceeded to get
skunk drunk, as they say.  the next day, a young man by the name of
brett kornfield asked me to reveal where in mason & dixon pynchon quotes
dylan.  naturally, brett, i could not answer.  i still can not answer.
however, the next day, much to my surprise, michael g. smith brought
pynchon up again, when he revealed, for the first time, that he was
reading vineland and that he thought he recognized a few dylan
references in this somewhat interesting if a bit below par piece of
pynchon.  he then shared those references with me. i then proceeded to
say yes, yes, tom is a fan of bob's and has seen him perform three times
over the last ten years.  i also mentioned a story i read not that long
ago about wanda tinasky.  is pynchon wanda?  who knows?  who really
knows.  it's an interesting question.  for that matter, has bob dylan
ever taken an alias and written something incognito.  who knows?  time
will tell.  or it will not.  what say you?  thomas will not say and
neither will bob but i for one firmly believe that they are in kahoots.
that's right.  you heard me, kahoots.  i often wonder about them and
what they're up to when they are both mysteriously _busy_ at the same
time.  coincidence?   right.  tell me another one, guys.  regarding
wanda tinasky, i attach an article describing this little mystery.  it
isn't the one i originally read about this matter, that article
originating in something called the nypress, but i bet this article here
is very similar.  i haven't read it yet.  i will shortly.  but i ask you
alex, when will the truth be told?  well, well, well, you tell me,
thomas.  bob isn't saying a word about it whenever i ask him.  is it due
to the influence of you-know-who?  the man in the mackintosh coat?  i
think it very well may.  i do, i really do.  i do.

in any event, did you catch this bit from the beginning of vineland,

"Later than usual one summer morning in 1984, Zoyd Wheeler drifted awake
in sunlight through a creeping fig that hung in the window, with a
squadron of blue jays stomping
around on the roof. In his dream these had been carrier pigeons from
someplace far across the ocean, landing and taking off again one by one,
each bearing a message for him, but none of whom, light pulsing in their
wings, he could ever quite get to in time. He understood it to be
another deep nudge from forces unseen, almost surely connected with the
letter that had come..."

someone over in the orwell newsgroup recently did and, in a post talking
about the allusions to orwell's 1984 in vineland, she stated as follows:

      I wonder if there's an intended secondary reference to the opening
lines of "Tangled Up In Blue" -- "Early one morning the sun was up/and I
was layin' in bed/wondering if she'd changed at all/if her hair was
still red..." Especially as the letter and Zoyd's forebodings turn out
to have quite a bit to do with his ex, who has been through many escapes
and disappearances (hence, possibly, changes of hair color).

interesting, nest pah?  good show, mab!

ok, all for now, i must be getting on my way.  and congratulations to
wes joe nixon, the sixth lucky rider on tom's bob dylan cdr gift of love
carousel.  he selected the eyes of the idol, an excellent choice if i do
say so myself, young wes.  before i get back to the drawing board, i
will say this:  i'd appreciate some more support from those of you who
have been silent thus far; please contact me and let me know what bob
cdr you'll be sending me.  remember this:  what goes around comes
around.  buddha and mahatma ghandi said that.  thank you, evrabuddy.
bob and i said that.

they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good,

cited article:
np:  rainy day women, konstanz, 7/3/96
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