NP PRC-related

Doug Millison DMillison at
Thu May 10 11:50:50 CDT 2001

Profiting from organ sales is capitalist behavior; capitalism was imported
to China by the Western Imperial powers, and never completed elminated,
despite vigorous efforts to do so, repeatedly (and often with tragic
consequences) since 1948. Greed and exploitation obey no boundaries, as long
as the political, economic, and social systems we erect use greed and
exploitation to motivate and manage the way people behave. 

It's hardly a compliment to the capitalist system to note that the horrid
excesses and crimes that it rewards manage to infest countries or
communities that try to take a different tack; it is instead testimony to
capitalism's considerable power to subvert even the most serious desires for
equity and social justice.



hey, what's this? Greed, and exploitation of one's neighbour in its 
service, are purely capitalist pehnomena.......or so we have been 

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