V.V.12 - The Chapter That Refused To Die!

Samuel Moyer smoyer at satx.rr.com
Mon May 14 23:39:36 CDT 2001

From: "John Bailey" <johnbonbailey at hotmail.com>

>A brief example: when Winsome auto-defenestrates (as has been much
discussed here) and Pig commits >his act of 'heroism' I believe some called
it, though I'm not totally sold, he (Pig) precedes his action with "I >say,
don't you know that life is the most precious possession you have?", and
that I Say is really strange to >me. Not being a native Statesider I can't
really say that I directly relate to a lot of the affectations assumed >by
the Whole Sick Crew, but I can't imagine Pig saying "I say" as anything else
than a bad vaudeville gag, >which kind of undercuts t! he! whole ensuing
scene, or at least renders it far more slapstick than it would >otherwise
be. Winsome hanging 'jackknifed' by his belt, a chase up and down the
escape, it's all fairly >cartoonish, and, imho, pretty 'amusing'. So how can
this chapter title make sense? Does it have to? Is it just >irony? I doubt

Pig is repeating a line he learned from Dahoud.  Well.. he was shipmates
with Dahoud...  see page 12 where Dahoud used the line on Ploy.


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